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【公开课】牛津译林版九年级上英语Unit2 Integrated skills 课件(有音频)

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【公开课】牛津译林版九年级上英语Unit2 Integrated skills 课件(有音频)

Unit 2 Colours Integrated skills,,,use colour therapy to change peoples moods and improve their lives.,Mrs Rainbow,a colour therapist,colour therapy,Level One,Level Two,Level Three,Discover the power of colour,Level One,Learn about colour therapy,Watch The Teens Show on at ,On 21/F, 810 South-east Road, 100 for half an hour,5557 8187,If it doesnt work, get back,An advertisement for colour therapy,,Her therapy centre is on ___________________________.Price It costs ______ for 30 minutes.Promise If it doesnt work, you can_____________________.,21/F, 810 South-east Road,100,get your money back,Notes about Mrs Rainbows interview,If you do not feel confident enough, use the colour _______ more. If you cannot sleep well, paint your bedroom _______ . If you feel stressed, eat more _______ vegetables. If you feel tired, ______ food can help cheer you up.,Prediction 预测,She has practised colour therapy since she left _______. If you do not feel confident enough, use the colour _______ more. If you cannot sleep well, paint your bedroom _______ . If you feel stressed, eat more _______ vegetables. If you feel tired, ______ food can help cheer you up. But do not eat too much of it , or you may get ________ easily.,yellow,green,red,angry,college,blue,More about Mrs Rainbows interview,Level Two,Learn from Mrs Rainbow,Level One,Do you want to know more about colour therapyIf you were her student, what do you want to ask her or learn from her,Listen and circle the answers,,She works at a museum. She uses colours to change peoples moods. She works for a fashion magazine. She colours their clothes. She suggests different clothes to different people. She suggests different colours to different people.,a,b,c,a,b,c,Listen again and check the answers,1. ________________________________,What does Mrs Rainbow do, Millie,2. ________________________________,Really How does she do that,You will sleep better if you paint your room blue. You should think of the sun. You should wear orange.He should wear green. He should use the colour yellow more. He should think of a warm sunny place.,a,a,b,b,c,c,_________________________________ _________________________________,3.,I worry too much sometimes. What should I do to get a good nights sleep,_________________________________ _________________________________,Daniel doesnt feel confident about the Maths competition this weekend. What should he do,4.,She tells people what colours of food to eat. She makes your clothes change colour. She makes food for people. She will give you free clothes. You will get your money back. She will give you free books.,a,a,b,b,c,c,________________________________ ________________________________,_________________________________ _________________________________,5.,6.,What other kinds of colour therapy does Mrs Rainbow use,Well, Id like to try it, but what if the therapy doesnt work,Listen and answer What colour does Andy dislike He doesnt like red. 2. What colour does he preferHe would rather wear orange. 3. What does Millie think of Andys jeansTheyre comfortable and match the shirt. 4. What do you think of Andys clothes for the party,prefers to wear,A colour choice,Give advice,What/How about doing Why dont you do Why not do Perhaps you should I think you should do ,No, I dont like No, they are too Id rather I prefer I dont know, what do you think,Talk about likes and dislikes,What will you wear for your friends birthday party,A What clothes will you wear if you go to your friends birthday party B I think A What colour/style do you like/dislike/preferB I would rather/prefer A WhyB What do you think of my A ,Colour is very important for our ___________, _____ and _____.,appearance body mind,It means respect to others.,Level Three,Try to practice colour therapy,Level Two,What problems may you have in daily lives ,stressed,sleepy,noisy,lonely,What colour may you use to change moods,D________ the beauty of coloursE________ the beauty of coloursC________ the beauty of colours,iscover,njoy,reate,Certificate,Congratulations You have passed three levels successfully You are the most outstanding student of this course,By Mrs Rainbow,Find more ination about colour therapy or other therapies.Write an introduction to the therapy you find and share it with your classmates next class.,Homework,Thank you,


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