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【公开课】牛津译林版九年级上英语Unit2 Welcome to the unit 课件(有音频)

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【公开课】牛津译林版九年级上英语Unit2 Welcome to the unit 课件(有音频)

Unit 2 Colours Comic strip and Welcome to the unit,Listen to a song,Free talk,What colour do you like to wearWhy,Which colour does Eddie want to wear, pink or blue Why,Watch and answer the questions,Blue. He thinks pink is a girls colour. Blue is better than pink.,Eddie looks funny in the blue dress.,2. Why does Hobe laugh,,,I think blue is better than pink. Pink is a girls colour.,,Theres nothing wrongwith pink, you know.,,And Im not sure if blue looks good on you,2,3,4,1,,Which one do you want to wear, Eddie,Read and act out,1. 2. 3. 4.,OK. Try it on.,This morning, Hobo showed me two pieces of clothing. One was pink and the other was blue. He asked me which I wanted to w___. I thought blue was b______ than pink. Pink is a g_____ colour while blue is for boys. Hobo didnt a_____ with me. He thought there was n________ wrong with pink. At that time, I didnt know what he meant. He let me choose first and helped me try it on. How k____ Hobo was today But when I p___ on the blue one, I found it was a girls d_____ Hobo looked at me and l_________ out of breath. He said that he was not sure if blue looked g____ on me. I was very angry What a bad e-dog Hobo is,Tell a story,ear,etter,irls,gree,othing,ind,ut,ress,aughed,ood,Guess a riddle,Its colourful.,It looks like a bridge.,We cant see it on a sunny day.,It is high in the sky.,A rainbow,//,Sometimes we can see it after a rain shower.,_____,,Name the colours in a rainbow,red,yellow,orange,violet,indigo,,,,,,green,,,/vailt/,/indig/,blue,1._______,2._______,3._______,4.______,5.______,6._____,7.______,React quickly,What colours are the letters,,Part A on P21,Write the names of the colours of the rainbow,Part B on P21,Listen to the conversation and answer the question,What are Shirleys and Amys favourite colours,Shirley likes green best. Amys favourite colour is orange.,Part B on P21,Shirley Did you see a rainbow in the sky just now, Amy,Amy Yes, I did. Do you know how many colours there are in a rainbow,Shirley Sure. There are seven colours. Theyre .,Amy Yes, thats right. Which is your favourite colour,Shirley I like best. What about you,Amy My favourite colour is .,Listen and imitate the pronunciation and intonation,Talk about colours around you,What will our life be like if there are no colours,Have a discussion,How do you feel when you see such colourful things,Happy, cheerful, energetic 精力旺盛的 ,Boring, dull 无趣的;暗的 ,The world is full of colours. It is so beautiful. Colours can change our feelings. Please love the world and try to protect it.,,,,,,1. Remember new words, phrases and structures.2. Search for more ination about colours. 3. Preview Reading.,Homework,


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